Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cure Asthma Through Yoga

Yoga has helped cure and prevent many diseases. The postures and asanas stimulate the required organs and help you with your ailments. Asthma is a very common problem. It is basically shortness of breath due to chronic lung disease. Even children are not safe from the disease. You suffer wheezing, coughing, feeling of heaviness in the chest causing blockage in the lungs. During an asthma episode lack of oxygen can lead to death also. To make the required asanas you can fight.

Yoga has helped cure and prevent many diseases. The postures and asanas stimulate the required organs and help you with your ailments. Asthma is a very common problem. It is basically shortness of breath due to chronic lung disease. Even children are not safe from the disease. You suffer wheezing, coughing, feeling of heaviness in the chest causing blockage in the lungs. During an asthma episode lack of oxygen can lead to death also. To make the required asanas you can fight.

Superiors of yoga from its state of asthma due to the free circulation of air. Through the continuous practice of yoga, you can leave your drugs at Bay. Asthma attacks may decrease with the increase in the practice of yoga. Breathing exercises are very useful to open his lungs of fresh air.

Back flexion postures are very good to open the chest to improve the heart and lungs. The practice of top curves of the back and the chest opening postures helps exhalation during asthma attacks. Forward curves and smaller bending again raises aid in breathing, during the attack. The mucus can be removed by inverted postures.

Pranayama is an excellent way of having a controlled breathing to avoid any attack of asthma. According to the triggers of asthma attacks, you must practice pranayama. Dirga prananyama is one asana multi-purpose and helps with slow and deep breathing exercise. Nadi Sodhana can help you with stress and emotional turmoil.

The cold-induced asthma may be assisted by Ujjayi pranayama. Allergic activation patterns can be avoided by Kari Sitt or Shitali pranayama. Kapalbhatti pranayama is very good to reduce mucous congestion.

These breathing exercises are very good to strengthen and relax the muscles of the lungs. During asthma attack demonstrates that it is very useful. Reduces the activity of nerves in the Airways that causes fewer bottlenecks during the attack. It helps to clean the passage of air to breathe easily. This helps in the stabilization of autonomous nervous systems.

Pranayama if practiced regularly can make a big difference in your health. This will help asthma free life. Props used to doing these Asana can help better. Breathing helps soothe the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree and helps in the prevention of external allergens. He is said that single inhalation and long term is very good for relaxation.

Some Asanas that relieve asthma in your life

♦Upavista Konasana
♦Supta Baddhakonasana
♦Supta Virasana
♦Setubandha Sarvangasana
♦Adhomukha Svanasana
♦Tadasana Samasthithi

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before you follow any of asanas for this item and site. To avoid any problem doing asanas, it is recommended to consult with a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies exclusively in the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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